As of October 1st the Health Insurance Marketplace is open for business, however due to massive traffic to the site it is having some technical issues that are making it difficult for people to get logged in and see rates. There are millions of people uninsured across the country that have been waiting for the day to arrive and now that it is here it has been a bit of a let down. Stay hopeful, we are fairly certain that the Marketplace will be up and running before the enrollment period ends March 31st 2014. This is just the beginning of a 6 month enrollment period and not everyone can sign up on the first day.
You can view rates here by carrier. To view all plans side by side we will have to remain patient. Remember that the Marketplace is not the only place that you can shop for coverage, you can always call us or your local health insurance agent to help navigate through this new world of coverage options.
PO Box 1270 Wimberley, TX, 78676
15577 RR 12 Wimberley, TX, 78676